Unveiling How My Midnight Calling Birthed a Book of Healing and Transformation

Embark on a transformative journey as the Midnight Calling unveils the birth of "A Better Way: Integrating Faith and Psychology to Heal Inner Wounds." Discover the power of building bridges between suffering and thriving, where healing blossoms. Join us on this intimate quest of healing, transformation, and profound joy.

Welcome, dear friends and kindred souls on the path of healing! As you immerse yourself in these words, envision a virtual space brimming with individuals just like you—individuals seeking solace, growth, and transformation. Today, I invite you to embark on a deeply personal journey—an unveiling of how my Midnight Calling birthed a book of healing and transformation. Within the pages of "A Better Way: Integrating Faith and Psychology to Heal Inner Wounds," lies an invitation crafted with care: Helping you build the bridge between suffering and thriving, where building is healing.

I must admit, dear readers, that in sharing this work, I often experience vulnerability—a feeling akin to standing naked in front of others. But in embracing this fear of being naked, I find the courage to be authentic, to explore the profound connection between faith and psychology, and to offer a message of healing and hope that transcends religious boundaries. So, join me on this journey of authenticity and discovery, where the power of faith intertwines with the wisdom of psychology, guiding us toward inner wholeness and transformation.

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  1. My Why: The Midnight Calling

    Picture this—the stage, October 2019. I was questioning my calling, feeling drained and uncertain about my next steps after leaving what I thought was my dream job! I was tired to the very depths of my being. I barely had the energy to put one foot in front of the other. Then, unexpectedly, God intervened in the most extraordinary way. He woke me up in the middle of the night, nudging me to put scripture with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Now, Maslow wasn't even on my radar, and all I could think about was getting rest. Eventually, I decided who am I to question God so I did and I thought that was enough. Eventually, I came to realize, that was not the end of my midnight calling, just the beginning. So, I embarked on this surprising journey, embracing the calling to help build the bridge between suffering and thriving. Little did I know that these midnight callings would eventually give birth to the very book I never imagined writing, “A Better Way.”

  2. Lessons I Learned: From Personal Transformation to Healing Others

    Through the process of writing, I experienced a profound personal transformation, which led me to realize that my own journey of healing could serve as a guiding light for others. It became evident that the unfulfilled needs in various areas of my life had held me back from discovering or embracing my purpose for over five decades. The book delves into the five levels of needs—Physiological/physical, Security/safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization—and explores their profound impact on our lives. Additionally, I discovered that when we open ourselves up to divine guidance, God brings forth individuals who can help us find our voice and nurture it. Amidst this journey, I connected the dots, unraveling the deep-seated roots of my struggles, particularly the profound impact of shame. Building this bridge between suffering and thriving, I found that building is healing. Within the pages of "A Better Way," I share the wisdom garnered from my experiences, offering guidance and solace to fellow travelers seeking their own paths of healing and transformation.

  3. Unveiling the Book: A Journey of Healing and Transformation

    Within the captivating pages of "A Better Way: Integrating Faith and Psychology to Heal Inner Wounds," I share my personal example, unraveling the detrimental patterns and life struggles caused by unmet needs. My heartfelt hope is that you, as a reader, will identify fragments of your own story within these levels and recognize any challenges rooted in unmet needs. Acknowledging a problem is the first step toward finding a solution. Thus, at the end of each chapter, I offer practical steps and strategies to guide you on your path to healing. I ask reflective questions for you to examine your life patterns and learn to recognize the challenges that you face. These include engaging in daily prayer and Bible study, immersing yourself in the healing presence of nature, embracing regular exercise, and cultivating healthy sleeping habits. By building the bridge between suffering and thriving, you can embrace your own midnight calling and experience the transformative power of healing.


As we conclude this heartfelt introduction, I extend a warm invitation to embark on this transformative expedition alongside me—a shared exploration kindled by the Midnight Calling that birthed "A Better Way: Integrating Faith and Psychology to Heal Inner Wounds." Together, let us traverse the bridges of our own suffering, guided by faith and psychology, as we discover the transformative power of building—where healing blossoms. Thank you for joining me on this intimate quest of self-discovery, compassion, and restoration. May the Midnight Calling within each of us guide us toward lives brimming with healing, transformation, and profound joy.

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